About Us
Find out all about us and read the story of how and why Bonfarado.org was created.

“We want to create a secure, free to use fundraising platform to help those that need it the most.
Together we can make a difference in the lives of our friends, families and communities”.
Learn all about us
The very essence of Bonfarado.org is in our name itself. The word Bonfarado is taken from the Esperanto language, it translates to “Charity”, and that’s exactly what we’re about. The idea of creating Bonfarado.org itself was birthed at a time that our local community itself was suffering from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, with business shut down and people in desperate need for food, water and financial aid.
Our great community of locals and expats alike, banded together to give aid to those in need and began to ease the burden of the pandemic. This is where we began to think “How can we do more?”. There were many local and country wide issues that need help to be fixed before the pandemic and they will be there after and we wanted to provide a secure, free platform that just might be able to help.
Our Mission
The Bonfarado.org mission has remained the same since the idea was exactly that, just an idea. We want to build a community of people that want to help others. Sometimes a donation is a mere drop in the ocean, but that drop can cause ripples that may turn into waves. With our platform and your support, we can create something beautiful.
Charity before profit
It’s our belief that charity should always been a priority when it comes to fundraising and with that in mind, we wanted to make sure that our fundraising platform was free to use to make sure that as much of the donation received goes to where it is need the most. To help with this Bonfarado.org does not take any fees for you to host your fundraising campaign and instead use a ‘tipping system’.
If you’d like to tip us to help with running costs then great, we appreciate it, but it is no way expected or demanded. There is a standard payment processing fee which at 2.9% and $0.30 to be taken by the payment processor.

Help the community

Make a global impact

Show compassion to all